
Frühlingslied - Piccoli Amici


Piccoli Amici

Director:  Hans Albin
Cast:Oliver Grimm,  Elsbeth Sigmund,  Martin Andreas, Albert Lieven
Genre:  Comedy
Run Time:95'
Country:  Italy / Germany
Prod.:  1954 B/W


A six-year-old orphan is entrusted to the care of his uncle, a tyrannical teacher, who pushes him to the concert career as a pianist. The boy has talent, but also poor health. He is unhappy and ends up getting sick. Uncle gives up and takes him to the mountains to cure him.


Un orfanello di sei anni viene affidato alle cure dello zio, un tirannico maestro, che lo spinge alla carriera concertistica come pianista. Il ragazzo ha talento, ma anche una salute cagionevole. E' infelice e finisce per ammalarsi. Lo zio rinuncia e lo porta in montagna per curarlo.

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