
Naked Nights - Notti Nude

Naked Nights

Notti Nude

Director: Ettore Fecchi
Cast:Pippo Franco, Marilù Asaro, Anna Maria Belardinelli, Franco Califano, Rosalba Grottesi
Genre:  Documentary
Run Time:90'
Country: Italy / France
Prod.:  1963 Color


Vaudeville sketch, Striptease, Erotica, Strip in the moon, Mistery dance,  Le ballet russe, Cleopatra 2000, La blonde inconnue, Elle et lui, Nuda nella rete, The acrobats,  Je me couche avec ta voix; Western strip-tease , Russian strip-tease, Bolero strip, Ice and fire, City by night.
Several numbers of varieties and international attractions illustrate some rough aspects of nightlife in the world.


Diversi numeri di varietà e attrazioni internazionali illustrano alcuni aspetti scabrosi della vita notturna nel mondo.

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